Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gnome on the Range - Jennifer Zane

Gnome on the Range
by Jennifer Zane

5 stars

Jane West works at her mother-in-law's sex toy shop in Montana. A widowed mother of two young boys, she isn't quite what you'd expect for such an occupation. When a handsome fireman, Ty Strickland, walks into the shop for a fire inspection, she mistakes him for a customer, after he's already heard her helping another customer trying to decide between different varieties of substitutes for the male anatomy. Mortified by her mistake, she figures her first impression is unrecoverable.

While preparing to take her boys garage saling the next day, she finds Ty is also her neighbor, two doors down, which she discovers while she is outside, in her pajamas and accidentally gives him a peek with a wardrobe malfunction.

The story only gets better from there. This is NOT an erotic romance (although there is some bedroom activity). It is more the story of a boring widow, who actually prefers her life that way, beset by circumstances which put her life in danger and demand she set aside her widow's weeds to move on with her life. The story is funny, action-packed, sassy and romantic. I rated it five stars based on entertainment value alone. I'm not sure this is knock-your-socks off great, but it is a lot of fun and I have no problem recommending it to anyone for a fun way to pass some time.

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